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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 601-902

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A Krylov--Schur Algorithm for Large Eigenproblems

G. W. Stewart

pp. 601-614

The Numerical Range of Self-Adjoint Quadratic Matrix Polynomials

Peter Lancaster and Panayiotis Psarrakos

pp. 615-631

On an Iteration Method for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Matrix Equations

Salah M. El-Sayed and André C. M. Ran

pp. 632-645

Spectral Factorizations and Sums of Squares Representations via Semidefinite Programming

J. W. McLean and H. J. Woerdeman

pp. 646-655

Products of Real Matrices with Prescribed Characteristic Polynomials

Susana Furtado, Laura Iglésias, and Fernando C. Silva

pp. 656-672

A Shifted Cyclic Reduction Algorithm for Quasi-Birth-Death Problems

C. He, B. Meini, and N. H. Rhee

pp. 673-691

A Factored Approximate Inverse Preconditioner with Pivoting

Matthias Bollhöfer and Yousef Saad

pp. 692-705

Low-Rank Approximations with Sparse Factors I: Basic Algorithms and Error Analysis

Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, and Horst Simon

pp. 706-727

New Band Toeplitz Preconditioners for Ill-Conditioned Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Systems

D. Noutsos and P. Vassalos

pp. 728-743

Convergence Analysis of the Latouche--Ramaswami Algorithm for Null Recurrent Quasi-Birth-Death Processes

Chun-Hua Guo

pp. 744-760

More Accurate Bidiagonal Reduction for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition

Jesse L. Barlow

pp. 761-798

Approximation of the Determinant of Large Sparse Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices

Arnold Reusken

pp. 799-818

Adaptive Eigenvalue Computations Using Newton's Method on the Grassmann Manifold

Eva Lundström and Lars Eldén

pp. 819-839

Generalized Polar Decompositions for the Approximation of the Matrix Exponential

A. Zanna and H. Z. Munthe-Kaas

pp. 840-862

On the Best Rank-1 Approximation of Higher-Order Supersymmetric Tensors

Eleftherios Kofidis and Phillip A. Regalia

pp. 863-884

A Spectral Characterization of Generalized Real Symmetric Centrosymmetric and Generalized Real Symmetric Skew-Centrosymmetric Matrices

David Tao and Mark Yasuda

pp. 885-895

Normal Matrices and the Completion Problem

Shmuel Friedland

pp. 896-902